Annual Recreation Pass Fees:

Elivated Indoor TrackRESIDENT:

Single: $15.00
Family: $30.00


Single: $90.00
Family: $140.00

(Full Time East Tawas Employees, Firemen, Police Officers and their families receive a 50% discount on Recreation Passes.)

DAILY PASSES: $10.00 (Good all day)

Private Gym Rental for Athletic Use

Gym FloorThe East Tawas Community Center Gymnasium is available for private group rental for athletic uses such as basketball, volleyball, etc., based on the following conditions:

  1. Must be 18 years or older to reserve and rent gym.
  2. Must have a current Recreation Pass to reserve and rent gym.
  3. All members in your group must also have a recreation pass or pay a $10.00 fee while participating with the group.
  4. Must have someone 18 years or older in attendance to supervise the  group during the rental period.
  5. Minimum of 24-hour advance reservation required for rental.
  6. NO RENTALS ON FRIDAY EVENINGS OR ALL DAY SATURDAYS  (without prior approval from the Facility Use Committee) unless the  non-athletic use rate is paid.

Sunday-Thursday, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. ONLY
Full Gym...............100.00 per hour
Half Gym.............$50.00 per hour